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Heal yourself through nature’s gifts

Kambo is a traditional medicine used by many of the tribes of the Amazon rainforest. It is a secretion of a large tree frog known as the Giant Green Monkey Tree Frog.

Through the pure magic of Kambo, we cleanse, we strengthen and energise our minds, we boost our immune system, clear any negative energy and finally overcome any obstacles blocking us from flowing more naturally.


tell me more!

Learn more about Kambo, the science behind it, it’s long standing history, how to prepare and contraindications.


healing medicines

Open yourself to purification

Sananga and Rapé are sacred medicines with a longstanding traditional use by many tribes of the Amazon. Both medicines are considered deeply sacred, and are used for healing of all physical and spiritual ailments.

Through the use of these medicines, we gain clarity of mind, increase our energy levels, expand our spiritual vision and awareness and detoxify our body.


tell me more!

Learn more about these sacred medicines, what are their active ingredients, how they are prepared and used.



Aleksadras is an incredible Kambo practitioner. I felt very safe and I knew that he will take me through the process, step by step. The healing that occurred in the weeks to come was indescribable. Gift yourself this powerful healing


About Me

MY NAME IS Aleksandras

My name is Aleksadras, I am Advanced IAKP Kambo practioner. My spiritual journey started 9 years ago and it transformed my life. When I first experienced Kambo I was amazed by it’s healing power and having received such a profound healing myself I realised this was my calling to share this wonderful medicine with others.

Learn more about my practice